Welcome to the Saint Nicholas Church Website!
Weekly bulletin
Be sure to view the weekly church bulletin for the latest information on events. View the latest bulletin: www.jppc.net/onlinebulletins/681template.pdf Follow us on Facebook
Advance Healthcare Directives - Informational Meetings
There will be informational meetings held on the weekend of November 16 and 17, 2024 in the school gym. The information provided is taken from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and the N.J. Catholic Conference. Please join us after any of the masses that weekend. Please contact Stephen De Luca 646-465-3487.
Protecting God's Children for Adults any
There will be a Protecting God's Children for Adults session in the rectory dining room on Saturday, November 16, from 10 AM to 1PM. This session is reserved solely for St. Nicholas parishioners who need to be screened and trained in the prevention of child sex abuse. Anyone who is new to ministry needs to attend. The class is free, but you must register online at www.virtus.org. If you have any questions, please contact Stephen DeLuca at 646-465-3487. RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
Adults who wish to become Catholic or to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Communion, please contact Stephen De Luca. Classes will start Sunday, October 6, 2024 at 9:00 AM in the Rectory dining room. Adults who wish to deepen their faith and prayer life are also welcome to attend. Religious Education Program News -
CCD and Confirmation Registration is ongoing. Any questions or concerns please text or call Mrs. Baker at 201-726-8036 or email [email protected]. FOR SPANISH PLEASE CALL MARIA ARROYO 201-744-1752 |
Donate to the Annual appeal
Help Saint Nicholas reach our stretch goal of $25, 000 for the Archdiocese Annual Appeal. Click on the link to donate now!
Donate here to the Archdiocese Annual Appeal.
Donate here to the Archdiocese Annual Appeal.
From Feb. 4 till June, we will be emphasizing weekly to donate to the ARCHDIOCESE ANNUAL APPEAL. Donations go towards Archdiocese of Newark programs. Donations collected in excess of the goal made by the Archdiocese go directly to St. Nicholas Church. The excess can be used towards our own parish long term goals as a parish. If we do not reach our goal, the shortfall becomes a debt to the Archdiocese. Please be generous and help!
Contribute to Saint Nicholas Parish!
Dear St. Nicholas friends and family,
The Christian faith reminds us to walk extra miles with everyday challenges. Please walk the extra mile with us and put into action your services and donations to help reach our stretch goal. The parish family of Saint Nicholas Church in Jersey City joins the Archdiocese of Newark in our effort to keep our church operational during these trying times. Our parish solely depends on the contributions of our faithful. Please help with your tax deductible contribution.
Let us pray that we continue to come together as one family and one in heart and mind for the greater glory of God. Our community life goes on at St. Nicholas Church! Please come join us every Sunday and worship. Thank you so much!
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Father Dani
Contact us at [email protected].
The Christian faith reminds us to walk extra miles with everyday challenges. Please walk the extra mile with us and put into action your services and donations to help reach our stretch goal. The parish family of Saint Nicholas Church in Jersey City joins the Archdiocese of Newark in our effort to keep our church operational during these trying times. Our parish solely depends on the contributions of our faithful. Please help with your tax deductible contribution.
Let us pray that we continue to come together as one family and one in heart and mind for the greater glory of God. Our community life goes on at St. Nicholas Church! Please come join us every Sunday and worship. Thank you so much!
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Father Dani
Contact us at [email protected].
Help strengthen our community and support our ministries by donating now to our church.
Image Gallery
2:00 PM 3rd Sunday: Baptismal Instruction 2:00 PM 4th Sunday: Baptism Call the office to register CONFESSION Thursday 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM RELIGIOUS EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN/ADULTS 9:00 AM Every Sunday MARRIAGE Contact the parish priest |
2:00 PM Primer Domingo del mes: Instrucción Bautismal 3:00 PM Segundo Sabado DESPUÉS del Instrucción Bautismal: el BAUTISMO RECONCILIACION Jueves 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM EDUCACION RELIGIOSA NINOS/ADULTOS 11:00 AM Todos los Domingos MATRIMONIO Contacte con un sacerdote |
Any time upon request in the home of the sick. Please notify St. Nicholas if someone is ill at home or in the hospital. OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP 12:30 PM every Wednesday ROSARY AND BENEDICTION 12:30 PM Every Wednesday |
Cuando sea necesario, solo llame a la rectoria para que se lleve la comunion a la casa del enfermo o hospital. MISA Y BENEDICION 7:00 PM Cada Jueves |